

The computer specialist

repairs, installations and maintenance


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does not


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My computer has...

a crash


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a virus


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a program needed


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Anywhere, anytime, a computer can break down. This can have to do with both the internal physical components, as well as the non-tangible software. Speaking of a “computer crash” when a computer no longer functions as it should, does not necessarily mean that you have actually lost everything.


A slow computer is no one’s business. Yet almost every computer user faces a computer that eventually becomes slow. Sometimes a computer gets slower and slower during its lifetime, but it also happens that a computer suddenly loses a lot of speed. To find out what is causing this, we recommend you contact the team at De Computerman Twente in Hengelo.


Drop coffee all over your keyboard? Dropped your laptop on the ground causing the screen to crack or not turn on? Or maybe something else is broken on your computer? Damage to your computer is annoying because it can cause problems. There is even a chance that a part may not have broken immediately, but may still give up its life over time. You can have this examined at De Computerman Twente for free and without obligation.


There is nothing more annoying than having your computer crash while you are just enjoying working on it. Still, it is possible for your computer to crash out of nowhere. We speak of a crash (also called a crash) when the computer has become unusable from one moment to the next. To figure out why a computer is crashing, it is important to find out exactly what is going on and where it is coming from.


When you use your computer, there are always unwanted files left behind that can be harmful. Think cookies, temporary files that are not visible to you and other unwanted things. But you can also run into a computer virus! To find out where the virus came from, it is important to thoroughly examine the computer.


Anywhere, anytime, a computer can break down. This can have to do with both the internal physical components, as well as the non-tangible software. Speaking of a “computer crash” when a computer no longer functions as it should, does not necessarily mean that you have actually lost everything.

First hour of examination free

We are ready to help you get rid of all types of computer problems. The first hour of preliminary examination is completely free and without obligation. An appointment with us is quick.

Regional prominence

The technical service of De Computerman Twente is dedicated to helping everyone in the Twente region with their computer problems. A bit of "Noaberschap" is not foreign to us!

Personal contact

Personal service is important to us. We help our customers as we would like to be helped ourselves. A smile after a repair is what we do it for.

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